
Compri, the knowledge and power to innovate.

We deliver and implement MIS/ERP solutions for the graphic media industry in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. More than 4,000 people make daily use of our innovative software and services. Our customers use our solutions to produce thousands of orders per day, often in a 24 x7 production environment.

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Xgram is the MIS/ERP system developed by Compri for the graphic media industry. Xgram is a modern and advanced software solution with an open structure.

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About Compri

Compri has proven itself to be a stable partner, that implements innovative solutions in the hectic and rapidly changing graphic media industry.

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Do you have a question regarding our services? Or would you like to know more about (i)Xgram? Or do you have a question for our support desk? Please don't hesitate to contact us!

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